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VOCIFEROUS: Noisy opposition from members of the public included four people shouting ‘Taiwan will become an AIDS island’ as they tried to enter a committee roomBy Jason Pan / Staff reporterLawmakers on the Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee yesterday had a turbulent time as they tried to discuss proposals to amend the Civil Code to legalize same-sex marriage, amid scuffles and protests interrupting the meeting, which finally ended last night with a decision to hold two open hearings next week ahead of a review of the bills.Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators had planned to review the proposed amendments, but they were blocked by stiff opposition from their Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and People First Party (PFP) colleagues.There was also public pressure on DPP legislators, especially on committee convener Yu Mei-nu (尤美女), as an estimated crowd of 20,000 rallied outside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei to voice their objections to same-sex marriage.The rally was organized by a coalition of religious organizations and civic groups demanding the protection of “traditional family values,” the upholding of Confucian moral ethics and the retention of the legal definition of marriage as the union between a man and a woman.KMT and PFP legislators trying to stymie a review of the proposed amendments said they were reflecting the majority opinion of the public and that the review procedure had been rushed through and lacked the proper scrutiny and public consultations necessary.The committee was scheduled to deliberate three different amendments were submitted by DPP, KMT and New Power Party lawmakers.KMT and PFP lawmakers joined forces in an attempt to push through a motion that would see 32 public hearings held nationwide before the proposed amendments could be deliberated by the committee.However, with Yu presiding over the committee, DPP legislators voted down the motion and Yu announced the session would review the amendments until the end of the day’s session.Yu’s announcement angered pan-blue camp legislators, with two KMT committee members, Sufin Siluko (廖國棟) and Yosi Takun (孔文吉) pushing their way up to a podium to protest, and engaging in a scuffle with several DPP lawmakers.Four protesters had tried to enter the committee room during the morning session, shouting: “Legislators are monsters” and “Taiwan will become an AIDS island.”The four were escorted away by police.The session resumed with legislators taking turns to question Minister of Justice Chiu Tai-san (邱太三) and other ministry officials, with some calling for a special law on same-sex partnerships and for the Civil Code to remain unaltered.The committee meeting was disrupted again in the afternoon, when a group of anti-gay marriage protesters stormed into the Legislative Yuan through a side gate, with journalists, police and legislators also converging on the gate.A number of KMT legislators went to talk to the intruders, who then staged a sit-in outside of the legislative chamber despite efforts by police to remove them.When the session resumed, the party caucuses negotiated, as KMT and PFP members would not back down from their demands that public hearings be held so that more citizens and civic organizations could give their input.Later, the parties compromised by agreeing to hold two public hearings in the coming weeks.“It was regrettable that we encountered such opposition and protests from various groups. After cross-party negotiation, the committee decided to compromise by postponing reviews of the proposed amendments to avert conflicts in society,” Yu said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES




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(中央社記者鍾榮峰台北23日電)蘋果iPhone 8外界眾所矚目,分析師預估,明年新款iPhone預計明年第3季下旬量產,明年3款iPhone出貨量估約9000萬支到1.1億支。 凱基投顧分析師郭明錤出具最新報告表示,正向看待明年下半年iPhone出貨動能,預期明年新款iPhone在明年第3季下旬開始量產,預計明年新款iPhone包括有機發光二極體(OLED)版本、4.7吋與5.5吋TFT-LCD機種,出貨量可達9000萬支到1.1億支。 報告中指出,若OLED版本iPhone具備足夠吸引人賣點,能準時在明年第3季底開始出貨,加上若新款4.7吋與5.5吋TFT-LCD iPhone機種售價調降,估計更有利明年2017年新款iPhone出貨動能。 從新款iPhone比重來看,郭明錤在報告中預測,明年OLED版本iPhone出貨量占新款iPhone比重約50%到55%,4.7吋TFT-LCD iPhone比重約30%到35%,5.5吋TFT-LCD iPhone占比約10%到15%。 報告中指出,明年OLED版本iPhone擁有全新設計外觀,顯著優於TFT-LCD機種規格,預期新款4.7吋TFT-LCD iPhone將是中低階機種,若蘋果調降售價,占比可望提升。 報告中認為,明年新款5.5吋TFT-LCD iPhone機種的定位較為尷尬,設計與規格不若OLED版本iPhone創新,售價不若4.7吋TFT-LCD機種有競爭力,因此推估占比最低。 郭明錤也預期,鴻海與和碩將成為明年新款iPhone電子專業製造服務(EMS)的贏家。 外界對明年iPhone 8高度期待,市場推測iPhone 8將玻璃機殼整合不鏽鋼中框全金屬,也傳言iPhone 8可能採用全平面(edge-to-edge)螢幕設計、指紋辨識Touch ID可能放在iPhone螢幕背後、並可能具備臉部辨識、虹膜辨識或是振動觸覺等功能。1051123

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